2016 Baker Splitfest poster is done!
February 15, 2016
The poster for the 2016 Baker Splitfest is ready. What a difference a year makes in the snowpack!
Here is the current list of manufacturers planning demos:
Karakoram, Voile, Spark R&D, Prior, Trapper, Jones, Never Summer, Arbor Snowboards, Chimera, Pallas Snowboards, Weston, G3, and Prowder!
We have Boardworks Tech Shop doing free waxes at the event! Pallas Snowboards is leading a women’s tour, sign up on Facebook. Chair 2 Board Shop is doing a 101 Clinic again, sign up on Facebook too. And as the event gets closer watch the website and Facebook page to sign up for demos.

Poster for the 2016 Baker Splitfest